SAMR – Model for Technology Integration

SAMR – Technology in the Classroom

  • No Tech
  • Substitution – tech acts as a direct tool substitute with no functional change
  • Augmentation– tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvement
  • Modification – tech allows from significant task to redesign
  • Redefinition – tech allows for the creation of new tasks previously inconceivable
    • creation, collaboration, critical thinking…
  • http;//

In class we reflected on how we can incorporate technology into the classroom and how that changes the classroom learning experience.   We also discussed what we are losing now that technologies are so prevalent;  we can’t just jump start a car, or look at the engine and take it apart!  Students become detached from understanding how technology works, they assume that the internet will never go away.  Look at the corporations behind technology, understanding the powerhouses behind technologies.  Having a critical lens for our understandings.


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Also looked at:

The TPACK Image (rights free). Read below to learn how to use the image in your own works. Right click to download the high-resolution version of this image.