Today we had an online conference session with Verena Roberts from the University of Calgary, in a classroom with videos recording all of us students in the room in all directions. One of my favourite parts of class today was waiting for class to begin where we wondered where Michael was. Perhaps he was at a cabin with the water in behind? Was that Michael that flashed by in an office chair? We could see his coffee mug but were left wondering where he was… eventually we figured out that he was in a near by conference room!
We really appreciated the fact that Verena Roberts was willing to meet with us on her convocation day, but unfortunately due to the internet connection we heard very little of her talk as the video kept cutting in and out. The bits and pieces that we did hear were very interesting, but it was a good reminder that as amazing as technology can be, it is also very frustrating at times.
Here are a few of the ideas that I did manage to record during the brief session:
Topic: Expanding learning beyond the walls of the classroom
- OLDI (Open Learning Design)
- Expand learning in High Schools Using OEP
- Designing learning K-12 – students have the opportunity to access people, content and ideas that were previously inaccessible
- Open Learning Beyond classroom walls
- Learning is learning, it is about making the learning accessible
- Building a learning ecosystem
- Digital Literacies
- Interactions
- Collaborations
- Connections
- Personal Learning Networks formed from this process
- Open Learning Design Intervention
- Stage 1 – Building Realtionships
- Stage 2 – Co-Designing Learning Pathways
- Stage 3 – Building & Sharing Knowledge
- Stage 4 – Building Personal Learning Networks (PLN’s)
Expanding Open Education Practices in High School Learning Environments
Classroom – Community- Networks
Open Learning Design Intervention (OLDO) by Stages
- Artifacts – podcasts, videos, some kind of projects to build shared knowledge
- What is my story & how does my story inform my identity?
- How do I solve a community problem?
- Who is my online audience?
- How do I search & communicate online?
Blended Learning
- Online Learning
- Flipped Learning
Start this process in Kindergarten
- Can not focus on each subject but rather focus on their interests – this way you engage the students more
- Example Brie used; looking at teaching math with a student who is interested in trains
- Scaffolding is important for inquiry as well as building relationships
- We acknowledge the difficulty of doing inquiry in the university setting when students are not familiar with the process of inquiry
Distributing Learning
- face to face classrooms
- Outside, inside a classroom, lecture hall
- Asynchronous Fully Online or Blended
- BlueJeans – connecting to the other classroom via video
- Video Conferencing – connecting with people all around the world – dependent on internet connections
- Synchronous online classrooms; second life with avatar with world, multiple screens of students at the same time
- Face to Face or Online
- Blended course – both face to face or online blended together
- Multi-access online – coming into the class with a robot or video conferencing when you can’t physically be in the classroom
- Look at different options to combat climate change and having to have to drive everywhere
- Multiaccess-personal portal
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