• Communication tools for language learners
  • Language Technologies
    • BC has a very high level of immigrants who speak different languages other than English
    • Ideas:
      • Google Translate
        • App has more features that just using it online
        • When you download the app, you can set what language you generally use
        • Talk into it and you can draw into it
        • You can have a conversation, has a message in the other persons language to explain what you are doing
        • You can view the conversation later to see what was said
        • Once you tell the app what languages you need, you don’t need data
        • Text – aim camera at the text.. and it will translate, worksheets etc!!
        • Considerations… it’s not perfect
          • Data is always being updated as it is not perfect
          • Ton of noise, it won’t pick up the conversation as well
          • If student speaks quietly it won’t pick up the sound
          • Puts a slight pause in conversation
          • Using a pencil designed for IPAD works better than using your finger
          • Be careful what you are consenting to
      • Power Point Office 367
        • You can choose a subtitle language but you have to speak really slowly and your class must be literate to be able to understanding
        • You can also record your slide – you can talk into it and draw onto the slide
          • If will play your voice and the clip later – but no subtitles for this feature
          • Good if students would like to listen to your lesson later
          • Good for those with hearing impairment too
  • WT2 Translator: Redefine Translation
  • Wireless headphones that offer instant translation in real time
  • 36 languages
  • 84 accents – 13 different British accents
  • 3 translation modes
  • Manual mode, auto mode hands free conversation
  • Help with a sense of belonging, reduce frustration
  • Emotional well being
  • $239.00 USA
  • Considerations
    • Wouldn’t want to rely on this all the time as it might slow the process of learning a new language

Assistive Technologies

  • Been around for a while
  • Free Apps, but they can be harder to use than ones that cost money
  • Augmentative and alternative communication (Aac); Touch Chat
    • images on screen and can press it to hear the words, can personalize for each individual
    • EA will often help students with this App
    • May stimulate some students too much with the screen


  • Copy and paste a sentence they don’t understand – can’t take a picture of text
  • encourages students to problem solve themselves

Teacher to Student Communication

  • Video modelling
  • Daily schedule
    • Visual schedule of the students daily routines

Makes learning accessible for everyone! Helps increase a sense of belonging, especially if you promote students to engage with each other instead of just the EA with the student off in the corner.