Wow, this presentation makes me want to make my own digital story!  Thanks Fran for your beautiful inspiring video on her dog, not to mention your beautiful piano playing!

Here are my notes from the presentation…

  • Supports personal discovery and emotional self-examination
  • Telling a story with technology, with photos, pictures or video, text
    • write the text, highlight sections
    • recording voices
  • Multimodal literacy that enables students to create a deeper understanding and emotional connection with their audience through narration, music and images
  • 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling
  1. Point of view
  2. Dramatic Question
  3. Emotional Content
  4. Voice – recording the voice narration to help meaning of visual content – students need practice with this
  5. Soundtrack
  6. Economy – picture tells a thousand words
  7. Pacing
  • Pros
    • Extremely multimodal
    • Student voice and engagement
    • Digital literacy
    • Gives time to reviewed
  • Consider
    • Time consuming
    • Demoralizing if students don’t have the same access
    • Classroom must by psychologically safe
  • Risks
    • Technology could fail you and be frustrating

Examples: Google Slides, Imovie, Comic Life, Imagine Forest, Speech Journal


  • Use storyboards
  • Set clear criteria
  • Scaffold
  • Allow personal creativity and inquiry

How can digital storytelling be used for students: All subjects!!

  • English language arts; book trailer, personal narrative…

How can digital storytelling be used to help teachers?

  • Flipped lessons
  • Reinforce subject matter
  • Present new information in a fun, accessible way
  • Promote increased participation from sick and absent students
  • Multimodal, comprehensive, way to assess students’ takeaways


  • Michael’s blog
  • SetBC – module#3